Advisory Board

Klaas Molenaar
Founder and President of the Advisory Board
Klaas has more than 45 years of experience as entrepreneur, consultant, program director, researcher and policymaker. He has worked globally for bilateral, multilateral and private organizations such as the Netherlands Government, RVO, IFC, EU, IBD, UN (ILO, UNIDO and UNDP), BIO, EMN, and Dutch co-financing agencies such as Cordaid, ICCO, Oxfam Novib, Hivos or Woord en Daad. Klaas has hands-on business experience as founder/owner of a number of private consultancy companies, such as Timpoc Consultants and FACET, both specialized in Entrepreneurship and MSME financing. He is Emeritus Professor in Financial Inclusion and New Entrepreneurship at The Hague University of Applied Sciences and a former member of the National Advisory Council for Micro Finance in The Netherlands.

Claudia Belli
Advisory Board Member
Claudia is the Head Inclusive Finance and Relations with Civil Society (Sustainability Advocacy) at BNP Paribas. She grew in the Dolomites with the idea that peace, equality and nature are basic needs for everybody in the planet. After her studies of business administration at Bocconi University, she moved to France for the CEMS master’s at HEC. She has now 30 years' experience in the Group BNP Paribas and a 7-year experience in fostering microfinance and financial inclusion through the financial industry. She brings to MicroEurope her strong experience in banking for the excluded, and with a clear eye on enhancing the environment of social enterprises and microfinance institutions, especially those that wish to tackle social problems.

Lucija Poposvka
Advisory Board Member
Lucija ranked in the Top 25 Women Leaders in Software of Europe for 2021. She brings to MicroEurope over 20 years of experience in business development, project management, corporate governance, evaluation and reporting, innovation and institutional change management, networking and management of complex stakeholder relationship, corporate and institutional donor and investor relations, financial services design and capital mobilization.

Faisel Rahman
Advisory Board Member
Faisel has worked in the field of financial inclusion for over 20 years. He set up the UKs first microcredit programme in the East End of London, and launched Fair Finance, a social enterprise tackling financial exclusion in the UK. He is an Ashoka Fellow and recognised as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum. In 2014 he was awarded an OBE for services to Community Finance, and an honorary doctorate by the University of East London in 2015. He is currently a Trustee of the Henry Smith Trust and has previously been a member of the Board of the European Microfinance Network (EMN). His focus on building mission-driven entrepreneurial businesses with strong governance frameworks and value-driven cultures are of great value to MicroEurope.